Anyone can do magic, but the performer will challenge your beliefs by showing you things that you never thought were possible. Doing magic is good but the capacity to gain insight into true reality is invaluable.

What you see is not what is out there, but what you with your senses and brain make out of what you see. Our feelings determine to a large extent how we perceive our world, organize our memory, and make meaningful decisions.

Our naïve or sincere perception of the flow of time does not really compare to its true physical reality.

Time is but an illusion created by beings with limited perception. Dominique unravels the true nature of the flow of time as it impacts our perception of reality.

Sometimes, getting lost might be the way to finding yourself. Although, perception of reality is different for each of us. The mind must decide on a preferred perception, and at times we do have that option to choose. Our reality is a function of a series of experiences that form the way we see things.

On stage, he brings to you an instance of interpretation of your perception of reality. Your visual cortex is known to take up to 30% of your brain. This is where sight draws its power to swing reality into an illusion. 
This shows how our conceptions of reality, our choices and our mind influence our actions. In the end, it’s up to us to determine if what surrounds us is reality or a figment of our imagination.


This is the moment for you to choose which one is more meaningful to you. Do you rely more on your illusions, which at the same time represents reality? Or do you trust your perception and stay on reality, a consistent illusion itself.


In the show, he demonstrates giving life to something by the only use of the mind. In another instance, getting touched by energetic perception. You also get to experience making long term choices at the scene of the event!


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